Response to God in the Classroom

White Europeans did not discover America. According to archeological data, this country was founded LONG before historical records indicate…as per the copper mines in Ohio dating back 6000 years as well as other sites across the US with artifacts dating back 10,000 years (see Archeology Magazine and American Archeology). The modern history of the invasion of American soil (and by that I mean, North America, South and Canada) was all about enterprise in one form or another not god. So ‘discovery’ is a relative term.

In addition, the term ‘god’ is both politically and emotionally charged, redefined over and over by religion, spiritualism, science and history. If you sat 50 people in a circle, NO ONE would define god in the same way. Many atheists’ live fulfilled lives contribute to society in a substantial way. God in the classroom is not the issue.

Rather than focusing on the ambiguous notion of god, it would seem more feasible to discuss our values, morals, beliefs and behaviors in a substantive way as THESE affect us all. “What I believe determines how I behave. How I behave is a reflection of my values. What I value determines my moral character and how I treat others”, I say. Even if you do believe in a higher power, then it would reflect in the choices you make in everyday life! It is up to us to raise our children with dignity, integrity, compassion, passion, kindness, gentleness and love not a higher power. If, in fact, you do have a belief, then make it happen in everyday life, be the conduit. Instead of talking, learning or espousing it, have the Higher Power live through us and manifest in our actions and behaviors. Example is the greatest teacher!